All Saints Primary School
Our approach to spiritual development at All Saints CE School starts with acknowledging that spirituality will be a different experience for all individuals and that it means different things to different people.
Spiritual development focuses on relationships and connectedness; relationships with ourselves, others, the world and beyond. It helps us have an understanding that there is something greater than self.
At All Saints CE School, we support pupils to develop their understanding of what spirituality means to them by giving them opportunities to see the beauty in the world around them, to recognise what brings them true happiness and to be receptive and open to new ideas.
Offering spiritual experiences at school for different world views and faiths allows our pupils to understand how they see life as a whole. The experiences can be planned or unplanned and opportunities to explore our spirituality arise in RE, PSHE, Collective Worship, outdoor learning, Science, Music and Art, as well as in our dayto-day interactions with others.
Spirituality offers space for reflection, appreciation, and an opportunity to grow together. As a school, we see this opportunity for personal growth as an essential part of the learning experience, securing resilience and self-belief in the young people in our care.
A shared understanding of spirituality enables our children to be happy, to flourish and to let their lights shine.