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Click to see your daily learning in the event of school closure

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 Join Fischy Music every Monday morning at 11am for Collective Worship


"Children! There is a house battle up and running on Times Table Rockstars, running until 3:15pm on Friday 3rd April. All you children need to do is login, play the games like usual and the house that earns the most coins will be the winner!

If you're a part of the winning house, you will receive a special, extra break time when we are back at school. Additionally, the top three earners from each house will all receive an individual prize for their efforts!

So make sure you're logging in when you can and keep practicing those times-tables and division facts!

See you soon,

Mr Sayer"


Dear Y3/4s, 

Well done to those of you who have already logged onto Microsoft Teams and have contacted your teacher to say you have it up and running. 

This week's compulsory assignments: Please make sure you have all logged onto Microsoft Teams and have sent a message to your teacher through your year group page by Friday 27th March. Download the App or open through your web browser and log in using the details provided in your pack. If you need further help or support with this, please see details that were sent out via Parent Mail. Please continue to work from your pack, following the timetable provided.

Remember, you may ask questions about any of your set activities or send pictures of your completed work if you would like to. 

Take care all and we look forward to hearing from you,

Year 3/4 Team :)